


  • 個人情報とは


  • 個人情報の収集


  • 個人情報の利用


  • 個人情報の管理


  • 個人情報取り扱いの委託


  • 個人データの共同利用


    • (1) 共同して利用される個人データの項目


    • (2) 共同して利用する者の範囲

      円谷フィールズホールディングス株式会社 https://www.tsuburaya-fields.co.jp/
      株式会社円谷プロダクション https://m-78.jp/company/
      株式会社デジタル・フロンティア https://www.dfx.co.jp/
      フィールズ株式会社 https://www.fields.biz/new/

    • (3) 共同して利用する者の利用目的


    • (4) 当該個人データの管理について責任を有する者の氏名または名称


  • 個人情報の第三者提供の制限


  • 個人情報の開示、訂正、追加、削除または利用停止


  • 個人情報の取り扱い改善


  • クッキーの取扱いについて


  • お問い合わせ


Inquiry Itemsrequired
Inquiry Detailsrequired

PRIVACYPrivacy Policy

METAFIELD INC. fully understands its role in handling the valuable personal information of customers and will protect such personal information in the following ways while observing laws and regulations as well as guidelines related to the protection of personal information.

  • Personal Information

    Personal information refers to information that can be used to identify an individual customer. This includes their address, name, date of birth, telephone number and e-mail address (including information that can be easily connected to other information, thereby identifying the customer).

  • Collection of Personal Information

    METAFIELD collects personal information on customers appropriately and in accordance with the law as necessary in order to provide services.

  • Use of Personal Information

    METAFIELD uses customers’ personal information within the range of purposes of use indicated upon the collection of such information and uses it only as necessary to execute business duties.

  • Management of Personal Information

    METAFIELD has assigned a manager with the authority to manage personal information and implements strict management to ensure that no leakage, manipulation or loss occurs.
    Lawful and rational safety measures are implemented to protect information. In the unlikely event of a leak or other incident, METAFIELD will provide reports and notifications in accordance with laws and regulations.

  • Outsourcing of Handling of Personal Information

    METAFIELD may outsource some duties to vendors to the extent required to achieve the purpose of use.
    In such instances, the necessary terms will be described for the management of personal information, confidentiality, and prevention of personal information leakage in the outsourcing agreement and the vendor will be supervised and offered guidance to ensure appropriate management.

  • Restrictions on Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    METAFIELD will not provide customers’ personal information to any third parties without the customer’s prior consent.
    However, this limitation does not apply if provision to a third party is recognized by law and regulations such as according to Article 23 (1) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

  • Joint Use of Personal Data

    METAFIELD and TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS Group may share personal data (personal information that constitutes a personal information database, etc. (as defined in Article 2 (4) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information)) within the scope of the following.

    • (1)Items of personal data that are jointly used

      Name, address, gender, date of birth, company/organization name, title, telephone number, e-mail address, device identification information, location information, communication history and other personal information required for the proper and smooth execution of our business.

    • (2)Scope of joint users

      TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS INC. https://www.tsuburaya-fields.co.jp/e/
      Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. https://tsuburaya-prod.com/
      Digital Frontier Inc. https://www.dfx.co.jp/en/
      FIELDS CORPORATION https://www.fields.biz/

    • (3)Purpose of joint usage

      Information on products, events, campaigns, surveys, etc.
      Planning and development of products and services
      Marketing activities
      Management of records of the use and usage of products and services by customers or related records
      Contacting applicants for employment, making employment decisions, managing applicants for recruitment
      Employment and personnel management
      Other appropriate and smooth execution of our business

    • (4)Name of the person responsible for the management of such personal data

      METAFIELD INC. (For more information on METAFIELD, please see “About Us”)

  • Disclosure, Revision, Addition, Deletion Or Discontinuation of Usage of Personal Information

    If METAFIELD receives a request from a customer regarding the disclosure, revision, addition, deletion or discontinuation of use of their personal information by means of the Inquiry Form, this will be executed as quickly as possible to the extent allowed by laws and regulations.

  • Improvements to the Handling of Personal Information

    METAFIELD will also make improvements as necessary to its handling of personal information while observing related laws and regulations. Please be aware that changes may be made without notice to the handling of personal information in line with this.

  • Inquiries

    Please use the Inquiry Form for requests regarding the disclosure, revision, addition, deletion or discontinuation of the use of personal information, as well as questions about the handling of personal information.

  • About Cookies

    METAFIELD’s website uses historical information on METAFIELD’s customers’ visits to the website obtained through the use of cookies and complementary features provided
    by other companies, as well as information on behavior histories and browsing histories on METAFIELD’s website (hereinafter referred to as “cookie information”). Cookies are a technology for saving website usage status (URL, terminal information, etc.) to a terminal such as a customer’s PC via a web browser when a customer accesses website, and for identifying the previous usage status when the customer next accesses the same website.

    METAFIELD use cookie information to ensure security, provide appropriate information to METAFIELD’s customers, gather data, and investigate METAFIELD’s access to website using the following behavioral analytics tools. METAFIELD does not use it for any other purposes.
    In addition, the cookie information METAFIELD collect does not include any "information that can identify customers individually."

    Customers can also restrict the acceptance of cookies through the browser’s settings.
    Please note, however, that some of METAFIELD’s website may not be accessible depending on the setting method.
    If you want to restrict cookie acceptance, please visit the support page of your browser and adjust settings appropriately.

    Note:This has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.